The idea of creating an organization to represent the unified interests of Palakkad business community, first took shape when our founder President Shri.Ramanunni Mannadiar, in a message to General body on 1936, addressed the need for a “central organization in touch with Governments and other associations and chambers of commerce throughout the state and able to keep purely business men interests in a closer touch with different phases of commercial affairs.” The chamber was formed to provide a voice for the local business community, to guide and debate issues of the day and to influence and lobby Government policy.
The business has evolved during the previous 80 years and now helps support individual businesses with information, training and advice; offers networks of opportunity through meetings between groups of businesses; and links the business community to the wider economy.
The Palakkad chamber of commerce had given l ideal leadership for many strikes and struggles , to protect the the rights and common interest of business community of Palakkad. The historical and un forgettable strike was conducted for 19 days in Palakkad , for getting justice for our community. The strike was very strong and also reasonably accepted by general public of Palakkad, since they are also affected by the such problems created by Head-load workers in markets.
1980 to fight against the unjust and militant attitude of the loading and unloading workers, which almost made it impossible to run any business in the Bazaar. The legendary struggle resulted in the formation of a state-wide organization named Kerala Vyapari Vyavasai Ekopana Samithi (KVVES) with its registered office in the premises of the Chamber of Commerce and the President and Secretary of the chamber of Commerce were its first office bearers.
World Chambers Federation
WCF is a unique and truly global forum uniting the global network of 12,000 chambers and helping individual chambers to become more productive and strengthens links among them.
A non-political, non-governmental body, WCF is the backbone of the chamber community, uniting the global network of 12,000 chambers and their business communities.
The World Chambers Federation is a unique and truly global forum that not only helps individual chambers to become more productive, but also strengthens links among them. From managing the ATA Carnet system, which allows for the duty-free and tax-free temporary import of goods, to the World Chambers Network (WCN) Chamber Directory, WCF offers a wide range of products and services to help chambers deliver the best possible service to their respective members.